Saturday, December 12, 2009

Once the victim, Twice the volunteer, Thrice?

Once the victim, twice the volunteer is very very cliche. But what happens if you let yourself continutally volunteer for it. Chances are this post is going to make a lot of people mad but these thoughts have been running through my mind quite a bit today.

Most everyone has seen this in some way, shape, or form. Athletes who participate in contact sports...You have surely seen some of them that have had the sense beat out of them and in its place stupid was beat in. (This will be relevant later)

First of all, I cannot stand domestic violence, spousal abuse, or dating abuse. Let's stop feeling sorry for ourselves and do something about it rather than just letting it happen. Here's a hot button for a lot of people. The little chestnut of you should never hit a woman is bullshit. If a woman wants to put herself in a man's place and fight then she gets whatever she has coming. How's that for equal rights? If it happens once that's excuseable I suppose. If it happens more than once or on a regular basis there's a problem. The problem doesn't reside just with the abuser...if you're just standing by and accepting that treatment you need to do some serious soul searching. Everyone has a breaking point....Person A breaks your nose...break their nose...that'll teach them something. If you're so afraid it's going to escalate then LEAVE! It is possible. I am not sitting on a tall soapbox to preach this. It's a very small soapbox. I have been the victim of spousal abuse...yes that's right it was spousal abuse without the marriage license. I was punched and choked, once. I left and calmed down. When I came back I laid down the law. I told him the next time he raised a hand to me no one would ever find his body. I said this to him as he was on the floor in pain from the broken ribs that he had as a result of Old Betsy the baseball bat. He never raised a hand to me again and we were together quite a while after that happened. It wasn't the violence that broke us up.

Now about that having the stupid beat into you. I have an aunt and her first husband was abusive. Let's call the husband Peg-Leg. My aunt and Peg-Leg had children together so that means they HAD to stay together for the sake of the children. Because we all know that is always, always, ALWAYS the best thing to do. (WTF?!?!) Auntie was in the kitchen working on a chicken for dinner and Peg-Leg came into the house and got a hold of the chicken and damned near beat her to death with this chicken. She stayed with him a while longer and eventually they divorced. All of this took place in the 60's. In the 70's she met and married a new man. Let's call him Dentures. She has been with Dentures since the 70's. There have been brief periods of seperation but he's pretty much the only one. After the first marriage to Peg-Leg one would think that she would have more sense than to get herself suckered into another relationship like that. Well Dentures wasn't any better than Peg-Leg. He beat her several times over the past 30 years. He has beat all of the sense out of her and beat the stupid into her. I'm not saying this to be cruel. My aunt really is crazy and off her rocker. She really is brain damaged from the beatings. She is sweet and all but I can't stand to be around her because of the way she is and the fact that she is with one of the men who helped make her like this. She cannot see how she is but it is painfully obvious to anyone who talks to her.

Know your breaking point and don't get roped into thinking that you have to stay with anyone for any reason. If that shit is going on you need to have the balls and intelligence to get away from it some how, some way.

My soapbox is starting to crumble from me standing on it so I'll get off before it goes to shit and I fall on my ass.

Currently Listening To: Put The Needle On It - Dannii Minogue

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